Five Keys Weekend with Susan Chapman – Madison Feb 7-9th
This weekend retreat/workshop is based on Susan Chapman’s book The Five Keys to Mindful Communication.
The program includes short talks, dialogues and unique mindfulness practices. Participants learn to identify natural wakefulness within communication, and how to practice when communication breaks down — including when we feel a profound lack of confidence in ourselves and others. Based on the principles of Contemplative Psychology, the Five Keys — 1) Silence 2) Encouragement 3) Gentle Clarity 4) Unconditional Friendliness and 5) Responsiveness/Play — transform fear-based reactions into powerful opportunities for self discovery. Practicing these skills together brings resilience to our relationships and opens our capacity to accept ourselves and others as we are.
The program will take place at the Madison Shambhala Meditation Center, Madison, WI.
For more information, schedule and registration, click here.