
(Aug 7-8, 2021) How to Be An Unstoppable Force for Good


THIS “RESET WEEKEND” IS SUITABLE FOR ANYONE TRYING TO HELP IN A HURTING WORLD. Ideal for social workers, therapists, medical professionals, coaches, mediators, buddhists, bodhisattvas, activists, mindfulness trainers and more. The aim of the weekend is to address helper burnout — and find the deep strength to keep on going even with the projects we’re taking on seem overwhelming.

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Is it Possible to Save the World
Without Losing Your Mind??

Launching our new “Reset Weekends” — live on Zoom

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When You Think There’s Nothing You Can Do…There’s Still Something to Do​

This short, accessible weekend addresses your overwhelm, frustration and burnout when trying to be a compassionate human in “a world on fire.”

In just two days (6 hours each), this dynamic and interactive weekend program will introduce you to different ways to work with the overwhelm — and even demoralization — we often feel when we “just don’t know how to be helpful anymore…”  

But It’s All Too Much!

Of course. We all feel that way.

Between environmental destruction, politics, social discord, cultural fractures, economic chaos… It can all feel so far beyond our abilities.

In this workshop, we won’t try to tell you it’s all going to work out just fine. You’re smarter than that. And you know that if we don’t intervene with all our skill and heart and dedication, things might not work out the way we long for them to. These fears are real and well-founded.

But… Half of this is Real. Half is a Mistake We’re Making.

It’s often the case that even ‘highly trained,’ educated and dedicated people approach trying to help from the wrong direction.

We set unrealistic expectations — first and foremost for ourselves. We also fail to understand how to manage our own passionate desire to help and the acute pain we feel when we run into obstacles. 

And not knowing what to do when our agenda faces roadblocks makes our feelings of overwhelm and pain that much greater.

Then — right when we’re at our limit — we run into interpersonal issues with those we’re working with.

And then… Sometimes… We give up. Because we don’t know how to manage our own mind and heart.

This is Helper Burnout.

Turn Helper Burnout Around

This workshop uses the approach presented in The Five Keys to Mindful Communication. Retired Marriage and Family Therapist and senior Buddhist teacher Susan Gillis Chapman developed this unique material by combining traditional wisdom teachings from Tibet and India with a modern Western psychological orientation towards relationship, intimacy and community.

The deep-but-simple approach — which applies especially when we’re trying to be of help to others — can allow you to more quickly and easily manage your overwhelm with changing emotional dynamics. It will give you a better understanding of how your own mindfulness can be a foundation for more truthful, compassionate, and flexible relationships with those you’re trying to work with, and those you’re helping.

And that means you can be both: 

  • more effective 
  • and more helpful.


Each day will begin at

7am San Francisco/10am New York/4pm Amsterdam

Each day will end at

2pm San Francisco/5pm New York/11pm Amsterdam

There will be 90min of full breaks, plus a few other short “stretch breaks.”

After this course:

Those You’re Helping Will Feel You Will Feel
More relaxed and natural More relaxed and natural
That you’re more present That you’re more present
That you’re more compassionate That you’re more compassionate
More deeply listened to A better sense of timing
More trust in you More willing to take a risk


In this Reset Weekend you will learn

  • How to uncover the unconscious fears that often sabotage your confidence and effectiveness;
  • How to build a strategy to anticipate and intervene during overwhelm;
  • How to consciously identify when your connection with someone you’re helping is breaking down — and how to assess what to do next;
  • The hidden skill in the midst of difficult situations that allows you to respond more confidently and skillfully;
  • A path towards being “an unstoppable force for good” — which will allow you to navigate painful and challenging situations without breaking down and burning out.

In this sample clip from a live webinar, teacher Greg Heffron uses one of the core models you’ll encounter in this Reset Weekend.

Following completion of the course, you will receive 2 months free in our online community, The Green Zone Connection, where you can continue to learn and dialogue with other like-minded individuals about how to apply this material in your everyday life.​

About the Presenters

Gregory Heffron MFA
Executive Director
Senior Teacher

Greg is the Executive Director of the Green Zone Institute and teaches Mindful Communication throughout North America and Europe.

“Through the years, I have been privileged to witness how effective Mindful Communication is — whether I’m teaching basic mindfulness to newcomers, or diving deep with advanced meditators and those in the helping professions. Everyone benefits.“

In addition to an array of introductory courses, Greg has developed and teaches Green Zone Institute’s Advanced Certification and Teacher Training courses across three continents, and in countries with cultures as diverse as Ukraine, Canada, Austria, Chile, United States, Switzerland, Poland and Holland.

“For me, it has been humbling and inspiring teaching across cultures, feeling each person’s uniqueness and our shared humanity. Regardless of who we are, we ALL struggle with disconnection, and we ALL long to feel connected.“

“In my own life, I have experienced a groundswell in my capacity to navigate life’s communication challenges, and feel more and more connected to myself — and to humanity as a whole.”

Esther Hasselman
Mindfulness Trainer/Compassion Trainer
Green Zone Teacher​

Esther Hasselman is a certified mindfulness trainer (MBSR/MBCT), (self)compassion trainer (MBCL/MSC), and yoga teacher (DRU). Her path of coming home to herself and opening her heart has led her to her “natural communication system.” In the last few years, she specialized in mindfulness in relationship and in communication. She has a deep, experiential understanding of the processes of connecting and disconnecting, both in 1-on-1 relationships and in groups. She teaches Deep Listening and Mindful Communication, and leads practice groups in these disciplines.

Esther has been working in business services since 2010. From there she has built her own training and coaching practice. She works both online and offline, both directly with the Green Zone Institute and privately.

Esther has contributed to a book on “Mindful Communication,” published in November 2020 in Dutch, contributing a section explaining Green Zone Communication in about 20 pages. The book can be ordered here.

She lives in Holland. You can find her Dutch activities on

Chris Trani
Buddhist Teacher/Communication Coach
Green Zone Teacher​

Chris Trani is an independent coach, consultant and facilitator who helps people build competence and confidence to have conversations they assess as complex, difficult – or even impossible.

Drawing on over 30 years of experience, Chris leverages her background as an oncology nurse, a manager, a counselor, a management/leadership development consultant, a corporate leadership and communication coach and, a mindfulness facilitator to bring a breadth of experience to her clients.

Today Chris offers a wide range of customized programs and services aimed at building conversational competence.