Email Offer to Founding Members of The Green Zone Connection
May 28, 2020
Hello Friends,
Right now, here in quarantine, I’m remembering your faces and your voices. You might have taken a Mindful Communication course with us years ago, or maybe just last week.
I am writing you today because I’m excited to share a vision for Mindful Communication with far-reaching implications for all of us.
For over 10 years, Susan Chapman and I have been teaching Mindful Communication to thousands of people. Some of you took our early courses at Deer Lake in Canada. Some met us in Ukraine, Holland, Austria, Poland, USA or in other places across the globe. Some attended our online courses.
For years, Susan and I talked about creating an ongoing gathering space to extend the sense of excitement and practice that develops in every course.

Susan and Greg teach at the Center for Mindfulness, Amsterdam
We’re finally ready to make that happen. We are transitioning from online classes into an online community-based membership model.
We’re calling our community The Green Zone Connection, offering ongoing training, education, and forums for the exchange of ideas.
And of particular interest to me — we will provide Mindful Communication practices to apply in our daily lives. This is what many of you have been asking us for.
Our vision is to build an online community where we all help one another apply these specific and unique tools to make our moment-to-moment interactions more heartfelt and effective — and especially when communication is stuck.
Think about it. A gathering place that not only develops us as individuals, but helps us reconnect a world in crisis, one mindful interaction at a time. This approach becomes part of us, and moves us towards a more “natural state” of communication — peaceful, intelligent, warm and precise.
The potential for The Green Zone Connection really excites us. And we are inviting you to become a member.
Imagine the progress we can all make by working together with such a meaningful focus.
We’re already picturing weekly video and audio podcasts, guided meditations, featured articles, an hour-long monthly Q&A and pre-release access to Susan and my new workbook — which we will use to guide our online community through the topics and practices of Mindful Communication.
To hear why I am so enthusiastic about The Green Zone Connection, please watch this short video.
We can’t do this alone. As you know, Mindful Communication is both about speaking and about listening. The Green Zone Connection can’t work without you. We need your perspective, your experience, your voice, and your support. That’s why we’re extending an invitation for you to join us as a Founding Member. And asking you to help us shape this communal vision. When you join as a Founding Member, you will be invited to online conversations where you can share your inspirations for our community.
Pricing When we open up The Green Zone Connection online community to the general public, we expect the member price to be approximately $25 per month. As a Thank You for helping us launch this community, we are extending to you a discounted “founding member” price of $15/month*. And as a Founding Member, no matter how much higher the price is to the general public, your price will never increase. It is guaranteed for as long as you remain a member. Your renewal fee will not be due until one year after the official launch this summer. *At checkout, we have set up a special pricing schedule for Canadians, and further discounts to reflect disparities between the US economy and your local economy. And if the price is just more than you can afford, we can help. To request financial relief, please contact me directly at [email protected] Please join us. Simply click here to become a Founding Member. This Founding Member offer is open until Thursday June 11. Our goal is to officially launch within the next two months. Between now and then, ideas will be flowing back and forth between you as founding members and Susan and myself. I look forward to working with you and all the Founding Members to hone our vision for this extraordinary global community. Any questions? Please email me at [email protected] Here’s to your success and here’s to the success of our new global community! Best wishes, Greg Heffron — Executive Director |