Feeling Like a Family Again: Finding the Way Back From Dysfunction to Understanding, Warmth and Connection

Published by Greg Heffron on

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  • Imagine knowing exactly when to let something go and when to keep talking it through.
  • Imagine feeling confident making healthy and strong rules and boundaries.
  • Imagine creating the trust to be honest with each other.

The Three Lights is a fundamental model for relationships that is complex enough for life’s most complicated situations but easy enough that kids can use it.

Learning how to read a situation properly — including reading our own mind and emotions — allows us to know how to navigate complicated and changing dynamics.

Trying to work with your teenager’s moods? Your spouse’s stress? You own loss of heart? Your aging parents’ anxieties?

This simple, practical and yet profound model can help you on any day, in any situation.

Course Content

Part 2: Mindfulness Means Tuning Into Ourselves
Part 3: Navigating Through Our Challenging Days (The Three Lights)
Part 4: How Do I Use the Three Lights?
Part 5: Tips for Making Things Work
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