Humans can be complicated.
Some days, it feels baffling trying to understand the people in our lives — both our close personal relationships and also those at work, and in our communities and neighborhoods…
Is it impossible to understand people?
NO… Not only is it possible, you can do it without struggling.
Using material developed within the tantric Buddhist tradition, you will learn about the five fundamental human styles, and how to use them to navigate your relationships for greater peace, joy and appreciation — appreciating both ourselves and others.
Using simple exercises and the five animal metaphors, Green Light’s Executive Director Greg Heffron will guide you effortlessly though material that can otherwise remain out of reach for the average person.
Do you ever wonder whether we have common ground with others?
I’ll tell you a secret…
The answer is — NO!
Or, on the flipside — ALWAYS!
This paradox might seem stupid: “It can’t be yes and no at the same time.”
But actually, truly…
It can.
Once we understand these five fundamental styles of personal energy, we can see how diverse and unique each person is.
Nobody is a carbon copy of another
Yet, we can also see how our common human longings, urges and impulses have the same roots.
We have common ground.
And that ground is good.
Understanding this, we can enjoy others, see into their world, and allow them to be the unique human they are…
…while still holding healthy boundaries, offering our point of view and giving feedback when we need to.
Don’t struggle forever feeling isolated, resentful, confused…
Many waste years of time with conflicts and confusions they could easily avoid.
You can change your way of being with others.
Step in and take a chance on a new way to navigate relationships in your life — both close and distant, beloved and difficult.
You won’t regret it.
“But I’ve never taken any course like this!”
Don’t worry at all. This course is perfect for newcomers as well as those with substantial background in Tibetan Buddhism (who should be prepared to learn something new!).
It’s also not a religious course. Regular people from all different traditions — or no tradition — are welcome to enjoy this timeless human wisdom.
Each 90min session will begin at:
10:00am Pacific/1:00pm Eastern/7:00pm CET
IMPORTANT: those outside the US need to note if/when the clocks change in your country.
Get confused in relationship
Want to love people more
Are angry about things people do
Wish you could see “the big picture”
Feel cut off from others
Want a fresh way to feel connected
Wish you could make better boundaries
Want to know what to do during conflict and complexity
Greg is the Executive Director of the Green Light Communication and teaches Mindful Communication throughout North America and Europe.
“Through the years, I have been privileged to witness how effective Mindful Communication is — whether I’m teaching basic mindfulness to newcomers, or diving deep with advanced meditators and those in the helping professions. Everyone benefits.“
In addition to an array of introductory courses, Greg has developed and teaches Green Light Communication’s Advanced Certification and Teacher Training courses across three continents, and in countries with cultures as diverse as Ukraine, Canada, Austria, Chile, United States, Switzerland, Poland and Holland.
“For me, it has been humbling and inspiring teaching across cultures, feeling each person’s uniqueness and our shared humanity. Regardless of who we are, we ALL struggle with disconnection, and we ALL long to feel connected.“
Greg is a featured author in the forthcoming Mindful Communication: Speaking and Listening with Wisdom and Compassion, released in April 2023 by Routledge Press.